Attention Parents: If your student athlete needs a ride to school on Monday 9/9 please contact Mrs. Heishman or 660-656-3391 to make arrangements.
CRE 9/4/19 Newsletter
A clean sweep for the Lady Cougars! Volleyball dominates over Smithton (25-15, 25-14) as both the Varsity and JV win in 2.
Congrats to Mrs. Hotop for being selected Honorary Coach of the Week by our team! We appreciate you! #GBED
Cougar volleyball is excited to open the season tomorrow (9/3) vs Smithton! 6:00 at the UCM Multi, JV/V. Come support these young ladies!!!
Congrats Cougars! CR football opens up the season with a 20-14 victory over Archie.
Tonight is HERO Night!! If any veterans want to help hold our flag for the national anthem please be down on the field at 645pm. We will then recognize all veterans at Halftime!
Crest Ridge World Travel Program invites you to our California trip meeting. All travelers are asked to attend. Potential travelers are welcome!
CRE 8/28 Newsletter
Congrats to Mrs. Gauchat for being selected Honorary Coach of the Week by our team! Thank you for all you do for our students! #GBED
This Friday is the Football season opener at home! Come help us honor our Heroes and enjoy Friday Night Lights!
A few TD’s to wrap up the night
And football season is underway with some great action at the Jamboree.
2019-2020 CRE Student Ambassadors
CRE Newsletter
CR Football wants you to join us in honoring our Heroes!
JH Sports practice begins tomorrow. 6:15am VB, 6am Cheer, 3:40 FB and XC Students must have a physical and The online PRIVIT information completed in order to participate in practice. Find a link to PRIVIT in the News section of the school website.
Crest Ridge FFA is selling Mums to help support members attending Washington Leadership Conference this upcoming June! Reservations due by 9/1. Cost is $10 per plant. Questions? Contact
To reserve click link:
It's been a great start to the new year! Kids seem happy to be back and ready to learn. Don't forget, we do have school this Monday, 8/19. Have a good weekend!
Congratulations to Tyler Livengood who will be receiving his American Degree at the 92nd National FFA Convention this October!