CRE celebrated Dr. Seuss's Birthday and National Reading Month with a school-wide reading day on Friday. We had reading forts, special guest readers, and we kept the "perpetual reading chairs" occupied all day long! CRE loves reading!
3 days ago, Kelli Meyrand
Tomorrow, CRE is celebrating Dr. Seuss with our annual reading day! We have lots of fun activities planned. Don't forget your $1 and permission slip for the Dr. Seuss photo booth!
4 days ago, Kelli Meyrand
Senior Spotlight! James Shelton Future Plans: Go to Local 8 Plumbing and be a plumber. Favorite high school memory: Playing football. Advice for an underclassman: Make sure you do your work. Extra-Curricular Activities: Football and Chess Club Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Have a family, a house, and a good job. What accomplishment are you most proud of?: none
5 days ago, Whitney Peer
Congratulations to our February Students of the Month, Logan Duffy and Audrey Alkire!
5 days ago, Katie Woolsey
Senior Families: If you'd like to purchase an ad for the yearbook and want Crest Ridge Yearbook staff to design it, please send pics to and money in by tomorrow (3/7). Write "Senior Ad" in the subject line, please. You can also have Jostens design it by submitting your pictures & text here: Cost: ¼ page $30 (2-4 pics), ½ page $60 (4-6 pics), Full page $100 (6-12 pics) + $10 if CR Yearbook staff design it. Checks can be made payable to Crest Ridge Secondary, with "yearbook" written in the note.
5 days ago, Emily Russell
50 more boxes to meet our "goal"
5 days ago, Linda Heishman
CRE: Don't forget to pick up boxes of candy bars tomorrow or Friday to get your final sales in over Spring Break. We only need to sell 50 more regular boxes and we have 8 all caramel boxes left to meet our help. All money is due by Wednesday 3/19. Thanks everyone for supporting the elementary students.
5 days ago, Linda Heishman
CRE Teacher Cougar Achievers! Congratulations!
5 days ago, Jennifer Cave
CRE Teachers
CRE Wednesday Newsletter
6 days ago, Elizabeth Weeks
Dear Middle School Parents, The Spring Fling MS Dance is on Friday March 7th from 6:30 to 8:30 in the MS gym. The criteria to attend the dance is as follows: Students may not have an F from 1st semester or 2nd semester or 10 or more missing assignments 2nd semester. Students have until Friday to get all their work turned in, so they may attend the dance. If they met one of these they were notified on Tuesday at school.
6 days ago, Adam Odle
Cougar Achievers Habit #5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood. Congratulations!
6 days ago, Jennifer Cave
Good morning! Bus #3 is running 15 minutes behind schedule this morning! Posted at 6:51 am.
6 days ago, Jennifer Cave
Cougar Athletic Parents, We thought this would be a good time to send out what is needed for participation in spring sports. Every athlete must have a physical on PRIVIT and 14 practices or 10 practices if you participated in basketball before the player can play in their 1st game. Game schedules are located on or Track needs: Clothes for indoor or outdoor practice. running shoes or spikes Baseball/Softball: The players need baseball/softball pants for practice we have some donated pants if they need them, (Baseball Only)CR baseball hat is $20, molded cleats, if the want metal cleats they can also use them, but not required, always bring clothes for indoor and outdoor practice. If you have questions about needs your player may have or what equipment to buy for your player please ask the coach and they will be happy to help. You may also contact the Athletic Director via email: Thank you,
7 days ago, Adam Odle
Reminder: JH/HS track parent meeting tonight at 5:30pm in the MS gym HS baseball parent meeting at 6pm in the Library
9 days ago, Adam Odle
Girls' District Championship today!!!
10 days ago, Katie Woolsey
The newsletter sent earlier did not account for our make-up day on March 31, 2025. Apologies for any confusion this might have caused. Please see the attached, CORRECTED newsletter! Thank you!!
10 days ago, Heather Gross
The on-time registration deadline for the April ACT closes at 11:59 p.m. CT tonight! Taking the test now gives students a chance to secure their spot while avoiding late fees. It’s an important step for sophomores through seniors for dual credit, scholarships, applications, and better opportunities for their future. Sign up at
10 days ago, Whitney Peer
Attached is the February District Newsletter! Have a great weekend!
11 days ago, Heather Gross
Attention Crest Ridge 6-12 students: First 20 6-12 students through the gate at the District Championship basketball games will be FREE!!! Boys Tonight 7:00 , Girls Saturday 3:00
11 days ago, Katie Woolsey
Addi, Jack, and Graham, from Miss Sullivan's class, earned enough AR (Accelerated Reading) points to have lunch with Mrs. Heishman. Each student got to choose a friend to eat with them. Fun was had by all! Keep up the good work!
11 days ago, Jennifer Cave