Jan 25, 2019

Dear Parent/Guardian: 

This letter is to inform you that your child may have potentially been exposed to chickenpox at school.   

Chickenpox is caused by a virus that leads to an itchy rash.  The rash begins with small, red spots that develop into blisters which become scabs in 4-5 days.  The rash may be the first sign of illness, sometimes coupled with fever. The virus spreads from person to person by direct contact or through air with incubation time being 10-21 days.   Although chickenpox is usually mild, it may be a serious illness in infants, adults and persons with weak immune systems.



If you have any children or adults in your home with a weak immune system or who are not immunized against chickenpox disease, please talk to your physician regarding this potential exposure.  If your child develops chickenpox, he/she will be excluded from school until the rash has completely scabbed over and there are no new blisters appearing.  The best prevention of the disease (other than immunization)  is through handwashing, cleaning and disinfecting hard surfaces and limiting exposure.


Please see the attached LINK for further information on symptoms, care, and prevention.




Janet Everhart, RN