
Dear Crest Ridge Families:

Fall student conferences will soon be taking place at both Crest Ridge Elementary and Secondary starting on October 25th.  We look forward to seeing our families this time of year so that we can share the many accomplishments and showcase progress of our students.  It is very important to our district that we engage with all of our parents during conference time and hope we can find a time that fits your schedule and needs.  Like last year, we are willing to schedule a time for either of the following:

  • Face to face meeting by appointment
  • Phone and/or zoom conference by appointment

Our goal is to reach all families so that we can share student progress and provide information that will help your child with moving forward through the remainder of the first semester.  During scheduled conferences, we will be providing a progress grade report, samples of student work, and MAP/EOC assessment data from the spring of 2021. 

 Please expect to hear from teachers starting on Monday, October 11th through the week so that we can schedule your conference.  If we do not connect on our first attempt and must leave a message, please return our call by either contacting your child’s teacher(s) or the front office so that we can assist in choosing which conference option and time work best for your family.

Thank you!