The regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting on November 27th, 2017 was an exciting one for the future of Crest Ridge. The Crest Ridge Board unanimously passed a resolution to put a no tax increase bond issue on the April 3rd, 2018 ballot. This means that the current $1.00 debt service levy would not have to be increased to make the needed facility improvements. The bond issue will be for the betterment of school facilities. As you can imagine, our list of needs is always longer than we can afford, but the board did an excellent job of prioritizing based on need and cost. The following list is what was prioritized if the bond issue passes on April
- Address multiple surface water drainage issues on campus
- Replace roof on high school gymnasium
- Air conditioning in both gyms at secondary building
- Replace windows on north and east side of high school
- Replace approximately 15 rooftop heat/air units at CRE and CRS
- Concrete improvements in parking lots and elementary road
- Renovation of middle school gym
- Campus interior/exterior high efficiency light replacement
However, not all improvements are being requested through a bond issue. We have aggressively set aside funds since last year to fund improvements that we hope can be accomplished before next school year. Those improvements not dependent on the passing of a bond issue are..
- Elementary sidewalk repair
- Bus Barn repair
- Football bleachers on home side of field.
- Outdoor Sports Complex Restroom and Concession Stand
Please be on the lookout for the ballot brochure the next time you are at a school for any activity or sporting event. These brochures are being offered for informational purposes only. An electronic version of the brochure can be found by clicking here.