Parents and Guardians,
Since we have called off school for the week and are fearful that concerns over COVID19 may cause a prolonged closure, elementary and secondary teachers met yesterday to develop a plan to deliver instruction (currently it will be a mix of existing work and some new material--depending on grade level and class).
Efforts will be made to include parents in these communications whenever possible. We know that we are leaning on you as caregivers currently, and we hope we can have honest and open communication about how to weather this storm.
We will be producing digital work for students using email or platforms such as Google Classroom, but we recognize that not every student is in a position to complete digital work currently. Teachers are also creating access to hard copy materials and you can reach out to them or the offices to request that.
To accomplish this exchange of materials, we have set up the elementary gym and the HS cafeteria (lobby) as a pickup and drop off location. Tables are set up by grade level for the secondary, and staff will be present to help you find materials. This week we will be open for pickup on Wednesday and Friday from 9-6.
You should be receiving email or phone communication from teachers to help make this process operate more efficiently. Please check messages and emails because they may provide you with needed information (like if your student’s band instrument is waiting for pickup in the lobby).
I have included a brief schedule of events for the remainder of the week. Please reach out to the office directly if you have questions or are failing to receive communication based on the following schedule.
**Wednesday (3/18): Pick Up and Drop Off Day (HS Lobby/CRE gym, 9am to 6pm) Teachers will push out materials to students both digital and hard copy if not received already.
**Thursday (3/19): Secondary advisory teachers will contact parents
**Friday (3/20): Pick Up and Drop Off Day (HS Lobby/CRE Gym, 9am to 6pm); Elementary teachers will contact parents
Thank you for your patience in what is undoubtedly a difficult time. Please reach out with any issues, questions, or concerns.
Kim Evans, Elementary Principal
James Frank, Secondary Principal