March 15, 2020
Crest Ridge R-VII Families:
Our district is currently using the guidance of the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for our decision making in regards to COVID-19. In the State of Missouri currently, all decisions about schools are being made locally. Our district is NOT closing school at this time.
The Crest Ridge School District is committed to the health and safety of students. With growing concerns, along with further guidance from state and local health officials and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Crest Ridge School District and all I-70 schools, have made the following determinations for the safety of our students, staff members, and patrons:
All non-critical gatherings are postponed or cancelled until Friday, March 27th. These gatherings include:
- 3-17 Baseball Jamboree
- 3-19 Band
- 3-20 SB and BB at Knob Noster
- 3-22 Youth Basketball Tournament
- 3-23 Parent Teacher Conferences
- 3-23 MS STEAM Day @UCM
- 3-23 SB and BB at home
- 3-24 SB at home
- 3-24 Track at UCM
- 3-24 PTO Lip Sync Battle Auditions
- 3-25 Band @ Boonville
- 3-26 Spring Sports Pictures
- 3-26 SB and BB @ LaMonte
- 3-26 Track at Sherwood
- 3-27 Spring Pictures
- Student Field Trips out of the District - Cancelled through March 27th
- Parent-Teacher Conferences scheduled for March 23rd - Held via phone, not face to face
- All extracurricular student contests and competitions (Academic, Fine Arts, and Athletic) - Cancelled through March 27th
- All out of district professional development for staff- Cancelled
Activities that only involve Crest Ridge students, such as practices and clubs, will continue as scheduled. We are trying to eliminate opportunities of our students entering other communities as well as opening our doors to visitors from outside communities. Prior to March 27, district administration will gather again to discuss scheduling of activities beyond March 27. When additional information becomes available, or changes are made to the above items, families will be notified again.
Crest Ridge students or staff who travel to these areas, or have members of their household who are returning from these areas, should self-quarantine and not return to school for 14 days following their return to the United States and obtain medical clearance before returning to school. If you have traveled domestically to any of the containment zones in Washington State, New York, or Massachusetts, you need to follow the same self-quarantine guidelines. Our schools will work with any students who will need to self-quarantine to support their ongoing learning. If you are traveling to an area and have a child or family member who will need to self-quarantine, you must contact Superintendent Brett Gray at 660-656-3316 or so we can begin putting plans in place to support learning. Also, please be aware of the possibility that additional areas could be added to the CDC’s Travel Advisory at any time. Families who are traveling should keep a close eye on this list.
Knowing When to Stay Home
As we work together to navigate the uncertainty and anxiety that are part of this rapidly changing situation, we must also take personal responsibility for the decisions we make for ourselves and our families. That could mean, whether you are a student or a staff member, staying home if you are sick. The health of our students, their families and our staff is our top priority. We will work with students on a case by case basis to determine the appropriate level of support needed from school. Attendance policies will be amended for anyone with the Flu, COVID-19, or any long-term illness. We urge students to stay home when ill. I realize that the uncertainty of how this may progress in our area, coupled with the constant media exposure, can create a lot of fear and anxiety for everyone’s families. While the days and weeks ahead may be trying times for our community, I am confident we will work through this together in a way that sustains learning in our District, while also keeping our students and staff healthy and safe.
Additionally, we urge all families to continue the practice of maintaining habits necessary to stay healthy, especially during any cold/flu season.
Steps you can take to prevent the spread of flu and the common cold are:
- Wash hands often with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds
- If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
- Avoid contact with people who are sick
- Stay home while you are sick
- Cover your mouth/nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing
- Students should be kept home until they are fever free (100.4 or less) for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen
- Clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces, especially when someone is ill
- Not sharing drinks, water bottles, eating utensils, or cell phones with others
The safety and well-being of our students and staff is always our first priority. Our buildings will continue to undergo rigorous disinfection through daily cleaning to prevent the spread of germs. Our faculty and staff will disinfect frequently-touched surfaces in their classes and around the school throughout the day. Students and staff will be reminded to wash their hands thoroughly and often. As always, parents have ultimate decision-making on what they feel is needed for their family. If you feel your child needs to stay home, please contact the building administrator to make alternative arrangements. Please be assured that we will continue to share updated information with our CR family going forward. Thank you for your help in keeping our community healthy.
Brett Gray
Crest Ridge R-VII School District
What is COVID-19 and what symptoms to look for? Visit Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website
COVID-19 fact sheet is available on the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services website
Suggestions on how to discuss COVID-19 with your child, the National Association of School Psychologists has a great resource.
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE): Coronavirus Information